Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Rule #15: Remember Whose You Are!

When everything around you is falling apart.....remember whose you are.

When life seems to be giving you more than you can handle......remember whose you are.

When your mind is swirling with despair......remember whose you are.

He is your Father.

He is your salvation.

He is your hope.

He is your peace.

He is your merciful, loving, heavenly Father.

And that's more than enough!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Rule #14: Put Away the Blame Thrower!

Trust me....no good can come from trying to place blame on who was right and who was wrong.

Just face the fact that someone was wrong....get over it....and move on! Sometimes you have to take the "high road", accept some responsibility, and get on with the recovery process.

The sooner we realize that the only one getting hurt in the blame placing process is us, the sooner the healing process can begin.

So put the Blame Thrower down and walk away! :)